

Cable control and Radio Controlled Animatronics
Clapping Mechanism and Animatronic Eye
Here I am controling the clapping mechanism from off camera

Eye Mechanism

 This was a fun job. All of the objects were designed by the director Asif Mian as 2d sketches.  I was hired by 1stAveMachine to design all the mechanisms. The concept involved MUTEMATH playing these oversized machines as instruments. Some designs were altered for function. Imaged are some of the mechanisms I built.  Amanda Hamel helped a bit on covering the arms with sheet metal and sculpting the hands and head for the clapping machine. There were other devices but these were my main responsibility. The Music Video debuted at F5 in New York City 2009. This is an annual event sponsered by Motionographer. A lot of the machines from the video were displayed on the main stage at Roseland Ballroom. The video was ultimately banned.
Director: Asif Mian
DP: Zak Mulligan
Prop Designer: Asif Mian
Art Director: Sean O’Connor
Fabricators: Mason Chesler, Brian Haimes, Amanda Hamel, Rich Hutchins, Josh
Lazono, Asif Mian, Sean O’Connor
Producer: Rich Hutchins
Production Company: 1stAveMachine
Executive Producers: Serge Patzak & Randi Wilens
Head of Production: Hae-Sook Song
Creative Coordinator: Claire Mitchell
Post Production: Asif Mian, Joon Suck Park
Editor: Tim Malieckal

 Paul Meany getting bolted into his head gear mechanism that controls his jaw


EGG Factory - Adult Swim

 Upfront Party at Roseland Ballroom.This was something I worked on with Square Design Inc. The theme of the party was Owls. They made these amazing 13 Foot Great Horned Owls that shot lasers out of there eyes. They were on the main stage and projected animations and designs all over. I worked on the Egg Factory scene as you enter the Ballroom.  You will see in the video how this illusion works and its final dressing. This concept was designed by Adult Swim and i was in charge of making the electro mechanical parts work. It has two convoyeur belts with speed control as well as an electric timer for the lights. The eggs are Blacklight sensitive as well as the owls.

(left) myself, Travis, Adam and Eugene (front)

Electric timer for Tunnel

re-wired conveyor belt

Black Light and final look

smoke stacks

more smoke